Winton Chapel, University of Winchester

18th May 2016News

The Winton Chapel, University of Winchester

The Winton Chapel at the University of Winchester was originally built in 1880 and extended in 1927. The chapel was recently renovated and extended by RV Dart in readiness for the 135th anniversary celebrations. The Winton Chapel forms an important part of the University of Winchester and hosts music concerts and war memorial services.

The project reached practical completion on Monday 16th May.






Architect: Design Engine – David Gausden / Tamsin Thomas   

Structural Consultant: Paul Tanner Associates

Electrical Consultant: Chris Reading Associates

Mechanical Consultant:  Robertson Cartwright Design

Quantity Surveyor: Evolution 5

Contract: JCT Prime Cost Contract

Outturn Cost:  £1.3M

Contract Period: 14 months